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macellum, pl. macella (Latin)

Ancient building, an in-door food market for provisions, mainly meat, fish, etc., usually situated at the forum.

mansio, pl. mansiones (Latin)

Roman road station, stopping place on a Roman road. Mansiones were sitated at a one-day ride distance from each other (ca. 25-30 km).

mausoleum, pl. mausolea, mausoleums

Monumental tomb with a burial chamber (often underground) and often including a commemorative hall. In Ancient Rome mausolea were widespread. The term derives from the tomb of King Mausolus, Persian satrap of Caria (6th century BC).

meander (Greek)

Geometric decorative ornament composed of straight lines joined at right angles, or curving. Most widely used in Ancient Greece. The term derives from the omonymous river in Asia Minor known for its windings and curves.

metope (Greek)

In Ancient Greece – initially the clearance between the faces of the secondary beams resting on the main beam (architrave), and which are seen on the façade. Later – a rectangular slab of marble or terracotta, decorated with reliefs, which, together with the triglyphs, forms the frieze of the Doric order.

mutatio, pl. mutationes (Latin)

Intermediate changing station on a Roman road where postal and other chariots could change horses. At the mutationes were offered also cartwright and vetertarian services.