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decumanus, pl. decumani (Latin)

Street characteristic of Roman urban communication system, with East-West direction.


The bottom part of the Ionic cornice with small prisms arranged horizontally at regular intervals - apparently interpretation of the end of former attic beams that inspired this form of stone.

diaconicon (Greek)

The space to the South of the presbyterium in Christian Eastern Orthodox churches designed for keeping the robes of the priest.

diazoma (Greek)

Horizontal walkway concentric to the orchestra dividing the tiered seating area (theatron, cavea) of the Greek and Roman theatre into separate parts.

dipteral temple (Greek)

Ancient Greek temple with a double colonnade.

dome (Latin)

Structure on top of a building resembling the hollow upper half of a sphere.

domus (Latin)

House of the wealthy class in Ancient Rome.

Doric order (Greek)

The oldest and simplest of the three orders of Ancient Greece (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian). The Doric column has no base and its shaft is fluted (has vertical grooves). The capital consists of: annulets (thin ring-like mouldings), echinus (swelled and pillow-shaped), and abacus (a flat square slab).

dromos (Greek)

1. Long passage (open or partly covered) leading to a sacred room or building.

2. Narrow long passage to the burial chamber in the Thracian, Roman and other mound tombs.