Luciani Samosatensis Opera, Stereotype Edition, Volume 4, Karl Tauchnitz, Leipzig, 1829 (Google Books)
ΕΡΜ. Μα τον Δία, Ηρακλή, φαίνεται ως η μεγαλειτέρα και ωραιοτέρα από όλας τας πόλεις. Διακρίνω και ένα ποταμόν πολύ μεγάλον, ο οποίος διέρχεται πλησιέστατα και βρέχει τα τείχη της.
ΗΡΑΚΛ. Είνε ο Εύρος, η δε πόλις εκτίθη υπό του Φιλίππου του γνωστού. Και ημείς τώρα επλησιάσαμεν εις την γην και επεράσαμεν τα νέφη• ώστε ας κατεβούμεν.
ΕΡΜ. Μάλιστα. Αλλά τι πρέπει να πράξωμεν και πώς να ανιχνεύσωμεν τα θηρία;
Project Gutenberg's Lucian - The complete works Volume 5, by Lucian, translator: Ioannis Kondylakis
Hercules. You see yonder those two mountains, the biggest and most beautiful of all that lie before us. The larger one is Haemus, and the other facing it, Rhodope. You see the delightful landscape that extends over the plain beneath? And the three beautiful little hills, that rise like three castles looking down upon the city that lies below? And see, the city itself already appears*.
Mercury. And, by Jupiter! one of the greatest and noblest in the whole country! Its splendour is even conspicuous at a distance. And the great river that flows close under its walls -
Hercules. Is the Hebrus; the city was built by the famous Philip, We are now pretty nigh the earth, and already below the clouds. So let us get quite down, and good luck attend us!
Tooke, W. Lucian of Samosata (from the Greek), The Runaway Slaves. Volume 1, London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1820, pp. 613-614.
HERCULE. Vous voyez bien. Mercure et Philosophie, ces deux montagnes les plus belles et les plus hautes de toutes: l'une, la plus grande des deux, est l'Hémus; l'autre, en face, est le Rhodope ; les campagnes situées au bas sont très fertiles et commencent au pied même de ces monts. Vous voyez quelques collines, trois entre autres, les plus belles, que leur roideur ne dépare point ; on dirait les citadelles de la ville placée au dessous ; puis enfin voici la ville elle-même.
MERCURE. Fort grande, ma foi, et fort belle, ami Hercule ! Sa beauté resplendit au loin. Un fleuve d'une vaste étendue glisse auprès d'elle et semble la caresser.
HERCULE. C'est l'Hèbre ; et la ville est l'œuvre de Philippe (09). Mais nous voici près de la terre et au-dessous des nuages ; descendons, et bonne chance !
LUCIEN, LXIX., LES FUGITIFS, translation by E. Talbot, 1912
Hera . You see those two magnificent mountains (the big one is Haemus, and the other Rhodope), and the fertile plain that spreads between them, running to the very foot of either? These three grand, rugged crests that stand out so proudly yonder form as it were a triple citadel to the city that lies beneath; you can see it now, look.
Her . Superb! A queen among cities; her splendours reach us even here. And what is the great river that flows so close beneath the walls?
Hera . The Hebrus, and the city was built by Philip. Well, we have left the clouds behind us now; let us try our fortune on terra firma.
The Runaways, The Works of Lucian of Samosata, Oxford: The Clarendon Press, translation by F.G. and H.W. Fowler, 1905, p. 104
The Runaways, The Works of Lucian of Samosata, The University of Adelaide Library, University of Adelaide, 2009
(25.) ХЕРАКЪЛ. Виждате ли, Хермесе и Философийо, две планини – най-големите и най-красивите от всички планини (по-голямата е Хемус, а срещу нея е Родопа), лежащото помежду им плодородно поле, което започва от самите им подножия, и издигащите се три прекрасни хълма, разположени изключително красиво, които съвсем не са безформени в грапавината си, а сякаш представляват множество крепости на лежащия под тях град. Защото вече се вижда и самият град.
ХЕРМЕС. Кълна се в Зевс, Херакле, най-големият и най-красивият от всички! Hаистина от далече блести красотата му. И една огромна река преминава покрай него, като го докосва съвсем от близо.
ХЕРАКЪЛ. Това е Хеброс, а градът е дело на прочутия Филип. Вече оставяме облаците и доближаваме земята, така че нека слезем наслуки!
Шаранков, Н. Лукиан, Роби-бегълци (превод от старогръцки). Критика и Хуманизъм, 13, 1/2002, с. 235-244.
Преводът е любезно предоставен от неговия автор – Николай Шаранков.